The title of this paper is:
Phase 2 Trial of Anti-TL1A Monoclonal Antibody Tulisokibart for Ulcerative Colitis.
The first author is:
Bruce E. Sands M.D.
The paper was published in
'The New England Journal of Medicine' on the 25th of September 2024.
For those in a hurry,
here is a brief overview of the paper: Tulisokibart, a TL1A monoclonal antibody, was tested in a trial for patients with moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis, including a subgroup identified by a genetic test predicting a higher likelihood of response. The treatment significantly improved clinical remission rates compared to placebo, with a similar and generally mild-to-moderate adverse event profile. If you would like a little more detail, lets go thought the paper.
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